The board of 2023/2024
Chair: Annette van der Kruijf (Pegasus)
The chair of the Fv-FMG hosts the biweekly board meetings and is the primary contact person for the employees of the UvA. Annette represents the Fv-FMG towards the outside and inside world.
Vice Chair: Wouter Meijer (Machiavelli)
The Vice Chair of Fv-FMG serves as the primary point of contact after the Chair. In the event of the Chair's absence due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances, Wouter will assume responsibility for all Chair-related matters.
Secretary: Marie de Koning (Sarphati)
The secretary has two main functions, making the minutes during board meetings and maintaining the e-mail address of the Fv-FMG. Marie informs and then forwards all e-mails to the right persons within the board.
Treasurer: Wouter Meijer (Machiavelli)
The treasurer is responsible for all the money in the Fv-FMG. Wouter created a budget plan at the beginning of the year and does his best to hold to it. This position is very important for the two events the Fv-FMG hosts and the normal functioning of the association.
Coordinator Book Sale: Olema Omole (CASA)
The book sale coordinator works together with all study associations within the FMG to get all the study books to the right students. Olema, together with the book sale committee of the Fv-FMG has close ties with the Smartbooks Bookstore.
Coordinator Acquisition: Bob de Bruijn (Comenius)
The acquisition coordinator is responsible for supplying the budget with sponsor money. External relations can sponsor the Fv-FMG or one of the two events. Bob works together with the acquisition coordinators of the two events to gather all the necessary sponsors for the Fv-FMG.
Coordinator Public Relations: Nora Steichen (Mercurius)
The public relations coordinator maintains the website and is responsible for the promotion of the two events together with the event committees and any other business. Nora is involved in updating the website and hosts the ticket sale which is important for the image of the association.
Coordinator FMG Activity: Karolina Baszkiewicz (SEC)
The FMG activity, is led by the activity coordinator. A big congress is held as an interdisciplinary educational event for all students of the eight associations in the FMG. Karolina is responsible for everything surrounding this activity.
Coordinator FMG Party: Saulė Jakučionytė (VSPA)
The yearly FMG party is a social event for all eight associations within the FMG. It is an occasion where all the students merge together and meet each other in an informal way. Saulė works together with the party committee on hosting an extremely fun party.
What is the Fv-FMG?
The Fv-FMG is the faculty association of the faculty of behavioural sciences at the University of Amsterdam. The board of this association consists of the chairs of nine study associations within the faculty. The Fv-FMG organises two events annually, a congress and a party. These events are organised by two committees consisting of board members of the individual associations. Additionally, the Fv-FMG has regular meetings with the faculty staff to protect the interests of the students they represent.
The founding of the faculty association of the faculty of behavioural sciences at the university of Amsterdam strengthened the bonds between the 9 associations that it consists of. Every two weeks, a meeting takes place, to which the Common Room and Faculty Student Council representatives are invited. In these meetings matters that affect study associations and their members are discussed.
See what associations are in the Fv-FMG
Seven of the eight member associations of the Fv-FMG are located on the first floor of the B building of Roeterseilandcampus. This is a new location for the associations, the Fv-FMG makes an effort to let students know where these new boardrooms are and improve it's visibility. This is done in collaboration with the respective parties within the faculty who are responsible for this, as well as with Common Room and Faculty Student Council.
Check out where to find us
Each year, the Fv-FMG organises two activities, a study related activity and a party. The study related activity is organised to provide a interdisciplinary view on a chosen topic. Each of the associations provide a speaker or workshop, to provide insights from all the different studies that are a part of our faculty. The annual Fv-FMG party is always the highlight of the year. It is the biggest party of the year, as it is the only one organised by all the 9 member associations. More information on these events can be found on our Instagram and on our events page on this website.
Check out our events
Each year, the Fv-FMG organises a booksale for every semester for all the associations.
Check out our events